A Review of Extra Nos: Discovering God’s Grace Outside Myself

Where does our help come from? We know Psalm 121:2 answers, but where are we consistently pointed? In Extra Nos, Flame shares his journey to being pointed outside himself and to Jesus Christ as he transitioned from Calvinism to Lutheranism. I must confess that Flame’s journey parallels my own, minus the musical talent and Grammy nominations. I could relate to the reformed background, the season of defeat, and the reinvigoration of finding a new paradigm. 

Striking the Balance

Extra Nos is an excellent balance of Flame’s story interwoven with solid theological arguments and practical implications of his shift in belief. Many will likely resonate with the personal elements of struggle even if they did not make the same theological transition. It is refreshing to read a combination of narrative and theological argumentation. 

Caricatures Avoided

In highlighting the contrasts between Calvinism and Lutheranism, it would have been easy to draw caricatures of the reformed paradigm. However, Flame avoided the exaggerations and instead focused on the distinctions. Where the differences are sharp, he quickly frames them so the reader understands what he is saying and what he isn’t. 

Courage to Change

It’s challenging to change the spiritual camp you’ve been part of for anyone, particularly when you’ve established yourself as an artist and thought leader in that community. Flame’s courage to follow his convictions where scripture led is admirable. He made changes a few times as he transitioned from a prosperity-influenced church to a reformed Baptist, then to Lutheranism. 

Major Takeaways

For those like myself, prone to feeling defeated, Flame’s story is a breath of fresh air that redirects our attention from the inner recesses of our hearts or the outer layers of our actions. For fans of Flame’s music, you’ll be delighted to see a few of his newer songs lyrically highlighted to emphasize what he was learning or the truth he is discussing. Extra Nos isn’t light on theological rigor despite being a personal story. Instead, it’s approachable through a transformative context of struggle, doubt, and faith.

Being a fan and having a similar theological journey, I was excited to hear about this project and predisposed to like it. However, don’t be mistaken. Discovering Grace Outside Myself is a tonic for the tired, regardless of your background or familiarity with the theological camps. I enjoyed getting more context and benefitted from the vulnerability. In the Christian realm of publishing, plenty of recent releases offer tips, strategies, and principles. Extra Nos is a dose of gospel reminding us exactly where our help comes from, Christ alone.

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